Religions are Businesses, Countries are Businesses, People are Businesses - It’s all Business
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Religions are Businesses, Countries are Businesses, People are Businesses - It’s all Business
Posted on 5:34 AM // 0 comments
From the Book : Ancient And Future Custodial Alien Races by Nexus Seven
Religions are Businesses, Countries are Businesses, People are Businesses - It’s all BusinessWars are, for the most part, just multinational government-corporate hostile takeovers.Governments are businesses too, and the dividing up of the world’s lands and human capital, and the formation of the political, social, religious, educational, and scientific infrastructures, has been dominated by a systemic, chronic continuation of controlled multinational chaos for centuries. Chaos is a powerful herd consciousness management tool.
The truth takes years of reconditioning, hence the covert, managed and controlled public education program about alien presence. To avoid massive social breakdowns, the alien presence must be suppressed. Otherwise kiss your normal human life goodbye as we enter the science fiction world of living on a planet invaded by some of it’s original experimental caretakers, with a new identity of being kept animals in some giant laboratory, with all our spiritual and physical authority and power usurped by non-human aliens calling themselves our divine benefactors.
The true powers of symbolic spiritual psychotronic sciences are the same as the magical powers of ancient wizards. These powers are not really known to the commonly visible leaders we would assume would know, as these people are but a changing commodity in the winds of time. The dear President and Joint Chiefs of the good old USA are ‘out of the loop’.Even that nice man, the Pope is left partly out of the loop. Who is in the loop? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? Remember the three forms of power: belief, force, and money. All three triangulate to the security apparatus associated with each: Religion, Military, and Corporate, all and only at the very highest echelon.
The controlling secret societies have no interest in fame, only power and influence, and influence only comes in terms of capital (economic), force (military), or belief (religious) as root resources for control amongst the incognito power elite. So the leaders of capital systems, military might, and religious influence would naturally secrete and accrete themselves into well-funded, well-insulated, well-connected institutions of secrecy, inside the very systems that are vaguely aware of their presence, but unaware of their intent.Its all just business don’t forget.
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