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Check Up From the Doctor

This late afternoon,we went to St.Ferdinand Hospital with my mom to have check up but to our surprise which we thought we are the last to call and pessimistically hoping that we could not make it on the time which the doctor will be out; there are many patients waiting on the lobby !

My mom was also surprise that the number of the patients being check up is still No. 7 though we already arrived late.Then my mom theorizes that it is because last last week there was a big flooding on the area due to the typhoon that buffeted our country the Philippines.Thus,all patients were scheduled one day.

We were scheduled No.23 which me and my mom gave me some feeling of quite "hay kalambat pa.."

While patients were check up one by one,my mom ask the attendant if how far we are still; then the attendant just said on my mom  last inquiry if how far we are still that we are only the 2nd batch of patients being scheduled that day and was reset to number 1 that is why the number is still number 7.

The first batch was in the morning which are 34 patients and was reset in the afternoon into 25

However,though we are scheduled number 23,we were the last to be check up because the patients just take singit ...

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